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Quote from Tim in Future Shock

[dream sequence:]
Jill: I'm home from school. [groaning] Tim, I can't get my backpack off.
Tim: Don't worry, honey. Your fit and virile husband will give you a hand. [slides down the banister, back flips over to Jill] Easy does it, old girl.
Jill: Thank you, honey. Thank you.
Tim: So, how was school today?
Jill: I don't know. I never got there. By the time I got dressed and put my backpack on, school was over.
Tim: How much time did you give yourself to get ready?
Jill: Well, I put my sweater on last Tuesday. I buttoned it Wednesday. I remembered I forgot my underwear Thursday. And then I had to start all over again. Let's face it, Tim. I'm a broken-down old hag and you're a perfect physical specimen.
Tim: It's not too late, honey. Just start a routine like mine. Fifty thousand push-ups... We'll weight train you. You can do it around the house. Just lift with your legs. [straining]
Jill: Oh. You are an inspiration. I don't know how you stayed with me after the way I've let myself go.
Tim: It's just the kind of guy I am.
Jill: There are thousands of younger, sexier women who would be thrilled to have you.
Tim: And I'd be thrilled to have them. But no matter how pathetic you look, no matter how fabulous I look, I'll never leave you.
Jill: Well, God bless you and your routine.

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