Tim Quote #1976

Quote from Tim in Fear of Flying

Tim: Let me ask you guys a question that I'm sure most of us want to know. Do your mothers worry about you being in outer space? Ken?
Ken Bowersox: No, my mom never has a problem with me orbiting around the Earth. She only gets nervous when I fly in those small airplanes.
Tim: [nervous chuckle] Jill, I'm sure he's just kidding around. So, Al, guess what I have in common with all these astronauts.
Al: You've all had a fire lit under your butt and shot into space?
Tim: Well, that and Ph.D. If you remember, a couple of months ago, I got a Ph.D. All the astronauts also have Ph.Ds.
Ken Bowersox: Actually, Tim, that's not true. Everyone has one but me.
Tim: Well, isn't that a shame, Ken? Do you guys razz him for not having a doctorate?
Cady Coleman: No, we don't, Tim.
Tim: Why not?
Cady Coleman: 'Cause he's the commander.


 ‘Fear of Flying’ Quotes

Quote from Wilson

Wilson: Well, Jill, as an experienced pilot, I can assure you that learning with a licensed instructor is quite safe.
Jill: I didn't know you were a pilot.
Wilson: Oh, yes, indeedy. I've logged over a 1,000 hours since I flew spy planes during the war.
Jill: You were a spy?
Wilson: Mm-hmm.
Jill: Which war?
Wilson: I'm not at liberty to say.

Quote from Jill

Mark: And they let us go up in one of those turboprops.
Jill: Ooh! One of those simulator things?
Tim: No. A little plane.
Jill: You took him up in a little plane?
Tim & Mark: Yeah.
Jill: Those things are disasters waiting to happen. They're like Tool Time with wings.

Quote from Tim

Tim: You know what happens when a mother babies her son like this? He turns into Al.