Jill Quote #657

Quote from Jill in Fear of Flying

Mrs. Kluzewski: Jill, why do you want to play the piano?
Jill: Well, um... When I was a child, everybody said that I showed a lot of promise.
Mrs. Kluzewski: Apparently, that promise has been broken.
Jill: Are you saying I should give up?
Mrs. Kluzewski: No. I'm saying that if you want to learn to play, you have to commit to it and focus.
Jill: I am focused. I'm focused! I just... I have a very hectic schedule. You know, I have three boys and, and my husband is insane, and I go to school. I had tons of homework this week...
Mrs. Kluzewski: Can it! I've been teaching for 50 years. I've heard every excuse in the book. "I broke a nail." "Dog ate my music." "Had to go fight in World War ll."
Jill: Fighting for your country is not a good excuse?
Mrs. Kluzewski: Not for me. Jill, I have no tolerance for slackers. If you want to be my student, you have to practice 30 minutes every day and focus, focus, focus!
Jill: You know, I love what you're doing with your hair.


 ‘Fear of Flying’ Quotes

Quote from Wilson

Wilson: Well, Jill, as an experienced pilot, I can assure you that learning with a licensed instructor is quite safe.
Jill: I didn't know you were a pilot.
Wilson: Oh, yes, indeedy. I've logged over a 1,000 hours since I flew spy planes during the war.
Jill: You were a spy?
Wilson: Mm-hmm.
Jill: Which war?
Wilson: I'm not at liberty to say.

Quote from Jill

Mark: And they let us go up in one of those turboprops.
Jill: Ooh! One of those simulator things?
Tim: No. A little plane.
Jill: You took him up in a little plane?
Tim & Mark: Yeah.
Jill: Those things are disasters waiting to happen. They're like Tool Time with wings.

Quote from Tim

Tim: You know what happens when a mother babies her son like this? He turns into Al.