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Quote from Tim in Home Alone

Tim: Hey, Wilson. You're up late. What are you doing on the old Studebaker? Changing the oil? Flushing the radiator? What?
Wilson: I'm just changing my oil. Then I'm gonna wash my windshields.
Tim: All right! What do you say we pop in a new motor and rebuild the transmission? Gum?
Wilson: Well, no, thank you. My goodness, you're awfully peppy for this time of night.
Tim: Mmm. Peppy, peppy, peppy. Do you think peppy's just a male trait? Or is it a universal trait for all people, all times, huh? Want some gum?
Wilson: No, thank you, Tim. And if I might suggest it, you seem to be three sticks to the wind.
Tim: No. No sticks. No wind. No nothing. I've just been drinking a lot of coffee. Lot of coffee. A lot of caffeine. Lot of coffee. You see, I just got about 36 hours to finish three chapters of my book.
Wilson: Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, take a breath.

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