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Quote from Tim in Totally Tool Time

Tim: Welcome back to Tool Time. Al's shoulder piece is not quite ready in the steamer. But the clams are close. Mmm-mm-mm! Ooh, it's hot in there! Now it's time to move on to a segment of the show we call Man at His Leisure.
Al: Today we're gonna show you an outdoor leisure activity that's recently been brought inside: rock climbing.
Tim: And to tell us more about it is expert rock climber, Wilson Wilson, Junior.
Wilson: Hidy-ho, neighbor!
Tim: Thanks for dropping in, Wilson.
Wilson: Mm-hm.
Tim: Well, that's pretty complicated looking equipment. Am I gonna get to try this?
Wilson: Yes, indeedy, Tim. Now, what I'm going to do is to take this rope which is attached to your harness by means of a device we call the carabiner.
Tim: Now, they use these same things in sailing. Out there they gotta watch out for the Pirates of the Carabiner.

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