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Quote from Jill in Sisters and Brothers

Carrie: Look, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I think it's great that you're happy being like Mom.
Jill: Oh, please. Don't use the M word. I mean, just because you jet around and you have this glamorous life and I'm, well, a wife and a mother, why does that make me like Mom?
Carrie: Well, why do you assume I have such a glamorous life? I mean, I spend half my time trying to figure out what time zone I'm in. You know, I've lived in my apartment for five years and I still haven't unpacked. Do you have any idea what it's like to live surrounded by boxes? [they look around]
Jill: Look, I gotta admit it. I've been really jealous of you. I mean, it was hard for me when you would call me and tell me you were photographing Mick Jagger under a waterfall in Tahiti. I dreaded that moment when you'd say, "What are you up to?" and all I had to talk about about diaper rash.
Carrie: Yeah, I dreaded that moment too.

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