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Quote from Randy in Slip Sleddin' Away

Jill: In your life, you're gonna run up against a million Vinnie McGurns. Are you planning on racing all of them?
Randy: I don't know. All I know is that I have to race this one. I have to fight back.
Jill: But it's not a fair fight.
Randy: I'm never gonna have a fair fight. I'm the shortest kid in my class!
Jill: Honey...
Randy: And don't tell me my height doesn't matter.
Jill: It doesn't matter. It's what's inside that counts. Don't sell yourself short. Sorry.
Randy: Look, in case you haven't noticed, even my little brother is the same size as me.
Jill: Randy... everybody grows at their own rate. Mark just had a growth spurt. I mean, you could have one at any time.
Randy: Yeah, but probably not by this weekend, huh?
Jill: No, probably not.

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