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Quote from Jill in Loose Lips and Freudian Slips

Jill: [on the phone] Hello, Gregory? Hi, this is Mrs. Taylor, Mark's mom. Great film.
Gregory: Are you kidding? I was so traumatized by the public viewing that I just spent two hours on the phone with an Army recruiter.
Jill: Interesting. Gregory, is your father there? I need to talk to him.
Gregory: He's upstairs asleep. I think my film sent him into a catatonic state. And I don't mean Arizona.
Jill: Look, Gregory, did you and your father stay and watch Mark's film?
Gregory: Uh-huh.
Jill: Oh, no. I feel so terrible. I really wanted to apologize to him.
Gregory: Oh, for calling him a pompous jackass? Yeah. He was paged a couple of times so I'm not sure if he saw that part. But I enjoyed it.

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