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Quote from Jill in Loose Lips and Freudian Slips

Tim: So, how was your day, baby?
Jill: Well, I handed in my thesis to Dr. Hanover.
Tim: Congratulations! You must feel fantastic!
Jill: No. What? Are you kidding? I have to defend my paper now in front of this whole thesis committee. [Mark walks in with his video camera] And maybe I won't know the material. Maybe I won't be able to answer their questions. Maybe my whole career will go into a downward spiral.
Tim: Maybe you should see a therapist. Oh, that's right. You are one. Say hello.
Jill: Oh, Mark! When are you gonna stop this family documentary thing?
Mark: I'm just getting some last-minute shots. The class is showing our films a week from Friday.
Tim: Great! Now I can make a fool out of myself in front of a whole classroom.

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