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Quote from Brad in Al's Fair Lady

Jill: You were fantastic. I don't understand why you're so upset about this game.
Brad: Mom, it was a disaster. We won eight to nothing and I scored three goals.
Jill: To most people that would be a good thing. What am I missing here?
Brad: No, Mom. I'm missing something. Facial hair, okay? The rest of the team looks like ZZ Top and I look like a four-year-old.
Jill: Oh... Poor baby. I mean, you're the best player on the team, and everyone else is gonna get those coveted facial-hair scholarships.
Brad: So what you're saying is I really shouldn't worry about my looks, and I should more or less focus on what's important in life?
Jill: Exactly.
Brad: You're so way off.

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