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Quote from Tim in Totally Tool Time

Heidi: [theme song plays] Does everybody know what time it is?
Audience: Tool Time!
Heidi: That's right! Binford Tools is proud to present Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor! Whoo! [applause]
Tim: Thank you, everybody. Thank you, Heidi. Welcome to Tool Time. I am Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor. And you all know my assistant, Al Borland. [audience cheering] Well, we have a very big show for you today.
Al: Yes, we do.
Tim: We're doing our annual salute... [belch sound effect] men. We're guys with flies. [grunts] We like our beer out of a bottle. [grunting] Our chili out of a can! [grunting] But there's nothing we like better than smoked Swedish salmon with a little juniper on there, huh? Or is it called "yuniper?"

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