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Quote from Jill in Fear of Flying

Jill: You know, I really need to get this piano tuned.
Mrs. Kluzewski: I don't think it's the piano. You obviously haven't been practicing.
Jill: Oh, yes, I have.
Mrs. Kluzewski: 30 minutes a day?
Jill: Yes.
Mrs. Kluzewski: Every day?
Jill: Every day almost.
Randy: Which means once a week.
Brad: And when she is playing, she's usually talking on the phone.
Randy: Complaining how annoying her teacher is.
Mrs. Kluzewski: Really?
Jill: No, no. Not you. That's my psychology teacher.
Mrs. Kluzewski: Ah.
Jill: Thanks a lot, boys. You've been a big help.
Brad: Hey, anytime.

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