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Quote from Tim in What You See is What You Get

Tim: Jill, you gotta see this. Now I know why they call it "the boob tube." Look at this.
Jill: Tim, what are you doing?
Tim: I'm just playing around with the thing.
Jill: They look like hot-air balloons. You could travel around the world with those.
Tim: Look out, honey, they're gonna blow!
Jill: Could you be any more obnoxious?
Tim: Is that a request? I'm just playing with the thing.
Jill: Tim, there are women whose self-esteem is so low, they're actually doing this to their bodies.
Tim: That is horrible. Sorry. Now, how would I make your butt a little smaller? [off Jill's look] Maybe I'll just sleep down here tonight.

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