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Quote from Randy in To Build or Not to Build

Tim: Prepare to be amazed... by the Great Randini!
Jill: Bravo!
Brad: Bravo! Bravo!
Randy: Thank you, thank you. And you all know my assistant, Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor.
Jill: And a lovely assistant he is too. Yes.
Randy: After I lock my assistant in the trunk, he will then disappear. Oops. What's this? [removes skeleton] Oh, sorry. That's my last assistant.
Tim: Boy, I tell you, you look a foot short. Close the lid!
Randy: Brad, you wanna help me out here?
Brad: OK.
Tim: Please observe that there are no holes of any kind, except in my assistant's head. Abracadabra. [opens chest] Ta-da!
Jill: I am amazed and astonished.

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