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Quote from Tim in What About Bob?

Tim: Well, Al. I hope you're satisfied.
Al: Well, what did I do?
Tim: Well, you distracted me. That's why I whacked him, Mr. Negativity.
Al: I think you did this on purpose because he beat you at "Stump the Tool Man".
Tim: Oh, come on. He didn't beat me.
Al: You even cheated. You had Jill call in.
Tim: That wasn't Jill.
Al: I would never have my wife call in.
Tim: Well, you don't have to worry about that since you'll never be married. Al, that came out wrong. I didn't mean it like that. You'll have a wife one of these days. If you don't, you'll have a girlfriend. Somebody who really likes you. Not just some desperate woman. [Al walks off] Boy, he's so sensitive.

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