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Quote from Tim in Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

Tim: I did it this time. Jill took the kids, left me, and went to a motel with them.
Wilson: Mm-mm-mm.
Tim: I don't know what gets into me. This started out a simple project to replace a sink. Then I add two sinks and I rip out the wall... Boom, bang, I got pipes everywhere, water flowing out. I got the water main shut off... I can't stop this.
Wilson: Well, Tim, you're probably just responding to the visceral male urge to create.
Tim: Visceral? Vis... Vis... Visceral?
Wilson: Let's just say, "gut need".
Tim: Yeah, that's exactly what it feels like. It's a visceral gut thing. I like to create, Wilson. Everything I do, I want to make bigger and better.

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