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Quote from Tim in Flying Sauces

Tim: Well, wWhile we let that cream softener dry, I'm going to ask you a question. When you're pounding those nails, do you hit your thumb more than you hit the head of the nail? Sure you do. Tool tip from old Tim is use a household bobby pin to hold the nail. You secure it, no problem. Al, you want to hold that for me?
Al: The point of the bobby pin is that you can do it yourself.
Tim: But Al, you're such an important part of the show. I want your help. [Tim raises his eyebrows to camera]
[As Al holds the nail down, Tim gently hits the nail twice
Tim: Aah!
[Al removes his hand]
Tim: Good reflexes, Al. Do you play lacrosse or something? There you go. We've set the nail. And no one's injured any appendages.

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