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Quote from Tim in Mark's Big Break

Marty: Where are my girls?
Tim: They're on a play date with a friend of theirs, and Jill took them all to the mall. She's probably getting me something really cool for Valentine's Day.
Marty: You get her something special?
Tim: I did something she's been wanting me to do for three years, finish the hot rod. Yes, I'm getting her something special.
Marty: You know, it's funny. All the time that Nancy and I were together, I always figured Valentine's Day was just some annoying holiday that women made up.
Tim: It's true. Legend has it it was a little town called Climax, Michigan. 1964, group of women around a salad bar. One was making up Valentine's Day. The other two were inventing stuff like, "Dressings on the side," and, "I just want to be held."

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