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Quote from Tim in The Wood, the Bad and the Hungry

[stop-motion dream sequence:]
Al: Welcome to Tool Time. We've got something very special to show you today. Say hello to the new Binford 6100 Toolapalooza. [whirring] It saws, it sands, it welds, it grinds. It does absolutely everything.
Tim: Not everything, Al.
Al: Huh?
Tim: Does it feed the hungry? Does it clothe the naked? Does it heal the sick?
Al: Well, I don't know. I haven't tried all the attachments.
Tim: Well, let's see for ourselves.
Al: Uh, Tim, this is a very powerful tool. You might want to be careful.
Tim: Al, I'm wood. What have I got to lose?
[As Tim plays around with the controls, the tool unleashes two saw blades and heads towards Tim. His head is cut clean off.]
Tim: [grunts] Oh, no!
Al: It's not like you ever used it.
Tim: Well, who needs a head anyway? Real charity is about giving of yourself.
[Tim's body tries to jump in the cardboard box but misses. Wilson's hand pulls him in.]
Wilson: [o.s.] In here, Tim.
Tim: Thanks, Wilson. Al, go for the three-pointer!
Al: I'm open! [shoots Tim's head into the cardboard box] Yes!

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