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Quote from Tim in Alarmed by Burglars

Al: Well, Sammy, where would you like to begin?
Sammy: With the obvious, Al. The front door. I'll step outside. You lock it up. And we'll see just how secure it is. [exits]
Tim: OK. Great. Good. Great. Fine. I think the old Samster's in for a little surprise. That's a solid oak door. I installed a rim-proof, jimmy-proof lock, which I call pretty much impenetrable.
Sammy: [opens door] Pretty much. Unless you're foolish enough not to use the deadbolt. Then someone could open it with a credit card.
Tim: Well, good way to wreck your credit card.
Sammy: Actually, I wrecked yours.
Tim: All right. Hmm...
Al: Why don't we step out into the backyard and see if there are any vulnerable places out there.
[As Tim reaches into his back pocket to put his credit card away, Sammy hands him his wallet]

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