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Quote from Jill in Sisters and Brothers

Carrie: Look, Jill, I guarantee you your life is more satisfying than my life.
Jill: Well, what's wrong with your life?
Carrie: I'm just not as happy as I used to be. Maybe I need a new career. Maybe a husband. Maybe I should just go spend some time with the Dalai Lama, who, by the way, hates it when you walk up to him and go, "Hello, Dalai."
Jill: You know... Whatever it is that you're looking for, I'm sure you'll find it.
Carrie: Oh, how can you be so sure?
Jill: Oh, come on. You fell off a curb and Robert Redford caught you.
Carrie: Well, that's true. Which reminds me... Bob left a message on my machine the other week and I never called him back.
Jill: Bob? I hate you so much.

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