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Quote from Tim in Super Bowl Fever

Tim: But I also spent an hour making this special tea. It's supposed to cure nausea. I think you'll love it. It's real hot, be careful.
Jill: Does it have caffeine in it?
Tim: No.
Jill: Good, 'cause I don't want to get a buzz.
Tim: You might get a buzz. You might even get hives. That tea's made out of boiled bees.
Jill: [spits] Oh, come on.
Tim: No, come on, it's an ancient Chinese remedy for nausea. Wilson gave it to me. It's not easy working with bees, let me tell you. Look at that, huh? Some of those bees were still alive.
Jill: Oh, Tim. Is this your idea of taking care of me?
Tim: It's better than rubbing your head for four hours, and you ending up dead in a shoebox.

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