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Season 8, Episode 6 - Aired October 27, 1998

Tim fears he's lost the ability to scare people when his Halloween pranks fall flat. After Tim encourages Wilson to break up from his new girlfriend at a Halloween party, Wilson mysteriously vanishes.

Quote from Tim

Tim: I'm just about finished splitting the wood for your party.
Wilson: Well, thank you, neighbor. You know, I'm very anxious to get your opinion of this woman I've been dating.
Tim: Oh, she's great. Just don't marry her.
Wilson: Oh, you haven't even met her.
Tim: Doesn't matter.
Wilson: Neighbor, you are a yuck a minute.
Mozart: [squawks] Yuck-a-minute. Yuck-a-minute.
Wilson: See? Even Mozart's got a sense of humor.
Tim: Maybe you should put Mozart on the TV show and have him...


Quote from Tim

Jill: Tim, leave the cat alone.
Tim: It keeps hissing at me!
Jill: Happy Halloween, Wilson.
Wilson: Oh, Jill, you look bewitching.
Jill: Thank you.
Tim: Yeah. Maybe later tonight we can go home and make some Munchkins.

Quote from Wilson

Tim: Wow! Nice hook. Is that cold-forged carbon steel?
Wilson: It was my grandma's. Tim, I'd like you to meet my attorney, Morgan Billingham. He's helping me re-do my will.
Tim: I hope that's a mask! [laughs]

Quote from Al

Al: Well, Happy Halloween!
Tim: That is something else, Al. It's like a moth on steroids. What happened?
Al: All this coming from a monkey with clam dip on his tail? Made you look! [laughs]

Quote from Tim

Jill: Nice cloak. Are you a vampire?
Agatha: I'm a witch.
Jill: Oh! Me, too. Bibbidi bobbidi boo!
Tim: Where's your hat?
Agatha: I don't wear hats. I'm a real witch.
Tim: I'm a real flying monkey.
Jill: So, a real witch. What kind of witch are you?
Agatha: I'm a Dianic witch. I realized my power 12 years ago. Now I'm a high priestess at the Society of Sisterhood coven.
Tim: Well, you know what they say... Nothing says loving like something from the coven.

Quote from Tim

Al: Tim, I just had my palm read. Guess who I was in a former life?
Tim: An Irish lap dancer.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Hey. Love some punch. I hope you didn't make it, because I'm eye-of-newt intolerant.
Agatha: You seem to be intolerant of quite a bit.
Tim: No, I'm actually... I tolerate quite a bit... You know, that's water-based. Better be careful. You might melt.
Agatha: You have no idea who you're dealing with, do you?
Tim: Come on, lady. Talk to the hand. Talk to the hand.
Agatha: A witch is one you should not test or else her wrath will never rest.
Tim: [hisses]

Quote from Tim

Jill: You'll never guess what the palm reader told me.
Tim: That you were Cleopatra in your last life.
Jill: No. That I have a nice butt.
Tim: Better be careful. He'll be reading the back of my palm, I'll tell you that.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Oh, what happened here? Wilson? Wilson?
Mozart: [squawks] Hidey ho! Hidey ho!
Tim: Scared me, Mozart!
Mozart: Scared me. Scared me.
Tim: Wilson! What's your hat doing here?
Mozart: A witch's wrath will never rest, never rest, never rest.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Something is really weird over at Wilson's house.
Brad: Yeah. Well, duh.
Tim: No. It looks like it was broken into. The house has been ransacked. In the middle of the floor there's a bunch of these candles sitting around, and underneath his hat is Agatha's necklace.
Jill: Oh, my God! What do you think is happening?
Tim: Well, I think Agatha, that hex nut, has done something to Wilson. I'm gonna call the police.
Jill: Okay. It's number three on the speed dial, there.

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