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The Real Paul Anka

‘The Real Paul Anka’

Season 6, Episode 18 - Aired April 11, 2006

Lorelai is horrified when she catches Richard and Emily viewing properties in Stars Hollow. Rory accepts an invitation from Jess to visit his publisher's open house in Philadelphia, where she runs into Luke on a school field trip with his daughter.

Quote from Rory

Jess: You know, you don't have to read it again.
Rory: I know I don't.
Jess: God, there are so many things I would change in it.
Rory: Like what?
Jess: I'd keep the back cover. Everything else goes.
Rory: You know why I love your book?
Jess: Why?
Rory: It doesn't remind me of anything. It's not a rip-off. It's just you.
Jess: High praise, Miss Yale editor.

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