Lorelai Quote #1667

Quote from Lorelai in Last Week Fights, This Week Tights

Lorelai: No, really, a nice, manly wreath in your hair wouldn't work?
Luke: There's no such thing as a manly wreath.
Lorelai: Oh, I don't know. Julius Caesar pulled it off. He was very popular with the ladies. Cleopatra used to pull his leaves off, very sexy.


 ‘Last Week Fights, This Week Tights’ Quotes

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: What is going on here?
Lorelai: What are you talking about? I'm trying to get her to fess up to the separation.
Rory: Not you. Me! Am I cloaked in loneliness or something? Everybody has been pestering me about my love life this week.
Lorelai: That was not about you. It was about evading my questions. It's a classic Sun Tzu Art of War maneuver. If you're being attacked from the east, attack whoever's to your west, and you were the west. I never read the book. It's full of crap like that.

Quote from Lorelai

Kirk: I don't call that a "maypole." I'd call that a "maybe-not pole."
Lorelai: What's with him?
Miss Patty: He's mad because I made Chrissy my dance captain over him.
Lorelai: Kirk has forty-three jobs.

Quote from Rory

Rory: It's only hitting me now. My classes are done. Done. I don't have to think about Chaucer or Euclid or Kafka or Machiavelli for months. I can just think about Jane magazine and why did Uma wear that dress. Fun stuff like that.
Dean: You'll still think about Kafka and probably Chaucer.
Rory: Probably. But those other two bozos are history. You hear me? History!