Lorelai Quote #1769

Quote from Lorelai in Normal Mailer, I'm Pregnant

Lorelai: [on the phone] You've done it before. You were behind at Chilton, you remember? And then you hit a deer, and everything was fine.
Rory: The two incidents were in no way connected.
Lorelai: But you caught up, right?
Rory: That was high school. This is college, a very big, important college.
Lorelai: Well, okay, different school, but same Rory. You're great at the catch up thing, you're the "catch up girl". Not to be confused with "ketchup girl", cause that's not you at all. You were strictly a mustard and relish girl from day one. There's a little condiment humor for you.


 ‘Normal Mailer, I'm Pregnant’ Quotes

Quote from Sookie

Lorelai: Everything okay?
Sookie: Sure. And I'm thrilled and delighted that Norman Mailer is coming in here every day and sitting at a table for four and ordering nothing at all, but tea!
Lorelai: Tea?
Sookie: Iced tea. Glass after glass after glass!
Lorelai: I'm sure he orders more than iced tea.
Sookie: Are you, now?
Lorelai: All right, you make great iced tea. I mean, legendary, so can you blame him?
Sookie: All I know is when Billy Joel came in to the Independence Inn, he would pack it away. Appetizers! Main course! Two, three desserts! That was a man that knew how to eat! And he was almost able to hide it.
Lorelai: Yes, but have you ever read his novels?

Quote from Sookie

Lorelai: What are you doing?
Sookie: She's taking my lunches away.
Lorelai: She's trying to help us.
Sookie: This is all Norman Mailer's fault. He just sits around, ordering nothing and yammering on and on and on. I mean, so he was married to Marilyn Monroe. Who wasn't?
Lorelai: That was Arthur Miller.
Sookie: I'm going to kick him and pinch his nose.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Norman Mailer's back, for the third time this week!
Sookie: Yep, sure is.
Lorelai: This is so exciting. I've got to call and tell Rory. You know, she read The Naked and the Dead while she was still wearing footsie pajamas.
Sookie: Chicken's burning!
Lorelai: Oh, this is our first step on the road to being Solon. I mean, as soon as word gets out that Norman Mailer is having lunch at the Dragonfly, it's just a matter of time before the rest of the literati comes sweeping in.
Sookie: Sounds great.
Lorelai: Well, of course, we'll have to keep Gore Vidal on the other side of the room, but, you know, probably Gabriel Garcia Marquez will run interference for us.