Lorelai Quote #372

Quote from Lorelai in The Third Lorelai

Rory: You want to go to dinner to see Grandma uncomfortable. That's mean.
Lorelai: Okay, look. I will admit I work very hard and sometimes I am a little tired come Friday night for the Gilmore family dinner. But I had a light day today and my grandmother, who I haven't seen in years, is going to be there.
Rory: And it has nothing to do with Grandma hating Great-grandma?
Lorelai: Not at all.
Rory: And when you see Grandma miserable and uncomfortable, you'll be sympathetic?
Lorelai: Not at all.
Rory: Mean.
Lorelai: I'm kidding.


 ‘The Third Lorelai’ Quotes

Quote from Paris

Paris: I don't know what to wear.
Rory: Ever?
Paris: On my date with Tristin. I'm not a trendy girl, okay? I don't haunt the boutiques hoping to find that one fabulous little top. I study, I think about studying, then I study some more.
Rory: Wanna come in?
Paris: I only have one lipstick at home and it's barely even a color. You put it on and it looks like you're not wearing anything, which is why I liked it in the first place. But to date, you need the fabulous little top and a lipstick you can actually tell you're wearing.

Quote from Emily

Emily: Well, this is just ridiculous. Three intelligent women sitting here in complete silence. There must be something we can talk about. Do you know that every night at dinner the Kennedy clan would sit around the table having lively debates about everything under the sun? They would quiz each other about current events historical facts, and intellectual trivia. Now, the Gilmore clan is just as smart and worldly as the Kennedys. So, come on, somebody say something.
Lorelai: Do you know that a butt model makes $10,000 a day?
Emily: Camelot is truly dead.

Quote from Lorelai

Emily: You were on the phone.
Richard: Long distance.
Lorelai: God?
Richard: London.
Lorelai: God lives in London?
Richard: My mother lives in London.
Lorelai: Your mother is God?
Richard: Lorelai.
Lorelai: So, God is a woman.
Richard: Lorelai.
Lorelai: And a relative. That's so cool. I'm gonna totally ask for favors.
Richard: Make her stop.
Rory: Oh, that I could.