Lorelai Quote #181

Quote from Lorelai in Rory's Dance

Emily: [on the phone] You sound terrible.
Lorelai: I'm fine, Mom. I just stubbed my toe.
Emily: You should get rid of the clutter in your living room.
Lorelai: Maybe.
Emily: That room is a hazard.
Lorelai: Oh, you know, I've seen the light. Everything goes. What else you got?


 ‘Rory's Dance’ Quotes

Quote from Emily

Lorelai: Well, see, we didn't actually have a big use for the crystal candlesticks. So I kind of... exchanged them.
Emily: For what?
Lorelai: A monkey lamp.
Emily: Pardon me?
Lorelai: It's a lamp with a bunch of monkeys on it.
Emily: Baccarat crystal candlesticks for a monkey lamp?
Lorelai: They're really, really happy monkeys, Mom.
Emily: Where is this lamp? I want to see it.
Lorelai: It's right there on the desk.
Emily: Oh, my God! They're holding coconuts and leering.
Lorelai: It's funny.
Emily: You traded my lovely gift for a semi-pornographic, leering monkey lamp? How could you? This is not just about the bad greeting of returning a gift. This goes to the very heart of the question of taste. You were given something of substance, and you cast it off for a ridiculous, slightly sinister barroom decoration? Explain this to me, Lorelai.
Lorelai: My back hurts.

Quote from Rory

Dean: You brought a book to the dance?
Rory: Yeah.
Dean: You thought there'd be a lot of downtime?
Rory: No. I just take a book with me everywhere. It's just habit.
Dean: So, uh, what are you reading?
Rory: The Portable Dorothy Parker.
Dean: "There's little in taking or giving There's little in water or wine This living, this living, this living Was never a project of mine'. Cheery.
Rory: Funny, though.

Quote from Emily

Emily: You do not go running out the door when a boy honks.
Lorelai: Mom, it's fine.
Emily: It certainly is not fine. This is not a drive-through. She's not fried chicken.
Rory: But I told him to honk and I'd meet him out there. We agreed.
Emily: I don't care what you told him. If he wants to take you out, he will walk up to this door and knock, and say, "Good evening", and come inside for a moment like any civilized human being would know to do.
Lorelai: Now, Mom, this is silly. I have met him already.
Emily: Well, I haven't.
Lorelai: Yeah, but-
Emily: We will wait until he comes to the door.
Rory: He doesn't know he's supposed to.
Emily: He will figure it out. [car honks] [silence] [car honks] He's not a very bright boy, is he?
Lorelai: Mom, please. [doorbell rings]
Emily: Don't rush. A lady never rushes.