Rory Quote #722

Quote from Rory in The Long Morrow

Rory: And this episode of The Twilight Zone came on. "The Long Morrow."
Lorelai: That's a bad title.
Rory: That's not the point.
Lorelai: I'm just saying.
Rory: So, there's this astronaut who was supposed to go into space for 40 years, but right before he left, he met this beautiful woman. But for those 40 years that he was going to be in space, he was going to be in suspended animation. So when he came back to earth, he was going to be really young, but she would be really old. So he goes into space, and when he does come back, the woman is still young and beautiful because she put herself in suspended animation to wait for him, but he's really, really old because he took himself out of suspended animation so he could be old with her.
Lorelai: How depressing.
Rory: He spent 40 years alone in space just waiting to see her, and he was willing to come back as an 80-year-old man, giving up almost his entire life just to spend those last few years with her.
Lorelai: Now, are you aware when you're in suspended animation, or is it just like a really long nap?
Rory: Shush! The point is, that this is Logan's favorite episode of The Twilight Zone. And when we watched it together, he said, "That's true love." That's true love! This is the most romantic gift I've ever been given. I mean, I have to call him. I'm going to London. I am going to London.


 ‘The Long Morrow’ Quotes

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: It's just a model rocket. I mean, what could that mean? Who gives someone a rocket?
Lorelai: I don't know. I don't know. We'll figure it out, though. Rocket, rocket, rocket. Rocket man. "Rocket Man." "Crocodile Rock" was good. "Bennie and the Jets," "Candle in the Wind."
Rory: Are you just naming Elton John songs?
Lorelai: He is just so talented.

Quote from Babette

Babette: You're back!
Lorelai: [screams] Oh! God, Babette, you scared me.
Babette: Yeah, it's my voice. It frightens the hell out of people. I don't know what to do about it.
Lorelai: Well, you could start by not hiding in people's houses and leaping at them when they come home.
Babette: It's the nodules.
Lorelai: Who?
Babette: It's the nodules on my vocal chords. The more I strain my voice, the more they grow. It's nature's way of trying to get me to talk softer.
Lorelai: Babette, one. Nature, nada.

Quote from Lorelai

Luke: Look, I'm sorry about yesterday, but you kind of ambushed me, out of nowhere, and then you didn't give me a chance.
Lorelai: I gave you every chance.
Luke: You were going so fast.
Lorelai: Yeah, that's me. I'm fast. I'm the perfect storm of caffeine and genetics.