Lorelai Quote #2090

Quote from Lorelai in Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number

Lorelai: Yes, I want to be a mad scientist. I'm gonna come out in a blood-stained white lab coat and freaky makeup and big, giant, Don King kind of hairdo, and I'm going to turn the whole front yard into my laboratory.
Luke: Wow.
Lorelai: Yes, I'm gonna have a huge electric chair and an operating table and test tubes and wires.
Luke: Sounds elaborate.
Lorelai: You haven't heard the half of it, okay? And so I come out and I do mad scientist banter, like, "Hey, who here is from Bellevue?" And "Girl Interrupted? That's my idea of a feel-good movie." I'll work on it. But anyway, after that, I'm gonna drag you out.
Luke: What?
Lorelai: You're strapped in an electric chair, and I'm gonna throw the switch and totally electrocute you. And you're flailing around. We'll rig something where smoke and sparks shoot out of your nose. And then once you're dead, I'll throw you onto the operating table and I'll cut you open. And I pull link sausages out of you and throw them into the crowd.
Luke: That's it?
Lorelai: Well, I mean, we can take a bow or something, but, yeah, that's it.


 ‘Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number’ Quotes

Quote from Luke

Luke: This might be my least favorite door in the world to knock on.
Lorelai: What about death's door?
Luke: The reception on the other side might be warmer.

Quote from Sookie

Sookie: I can't believe Rory's turning 21. It seems like just yesterday she was crying because you told her Charlotte Bronte couldn't come to her sleepover... because she's dead.

Quote from Paris

Paris: That's right. Paris Geller is the new editor of the Yale Daily News. I was worried about the intimidation factor 'cause people tend to be afraid of me, but I campaigned hard and I really worked the "my parents left me broke" angle, got a little sympathy vote, and the next thing I know, I am the man.
Doyle: My woman is the man.
Paris: I mean, it's so incredible. Last year, I was sleeping with the editor.
Doyle: And this year, I am.
Paris: I can't wait. The changes I'm going to make.
Doyle: Hold on to your hats, people.
Paris: I'm going to crack that whip, raise that bar. The last person that ran the shop was too busy ironing his petticoat to put out a decent paper.
Doyle: That's about to change.
Paris: You know it is.