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Quote from Lorelai in Fight Face

Sookie: And very sweet of Luke to have that dream of his. You two living in this house?
Lorelai: What do you think there are, 12 rooms?
Sookie: At least. You could really go to town in this place. You could have a dedicated sewing room. I mean, that's a no-brainer.
Lorelai: You kidding? I could put a whole loom in one of those rooms, indulge my long-harbored desire to make tapestries.
Sookie: You've been long-harboring that one?
Lorelai: I just thought of it, but, yeah.
Sookie: So, it's all feeling good, huh?
Lorelai: Well, it's a little on the Versailles side. I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for peasants with pitchforks.

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