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Quote from Lorelai in Blame Booze and Melville

Lorelai: Just, quick question. Um, pregnancy tests. What's the deal with them now? I haven't taken one in a couple of decades, and I was just wondering if they work any differently.
Doctor: No, they're more accurate now, but the process is similar.
Lorelai: Okay, so let's say you do it. Have sex, you know. How soon after can a test tell you anything?
Doctor: At least two weeks.
Lorelai: Not two days?
Doctor: It won't be definitive after just two days.
Lorelai: Boy. Sword of Damocles is really hovering over you for a couple weeks, there, huh?
Doctor: Pretty much.
Lorelai: Home tests can be pretty tricky, too. Can't buy one where I live, because people would see, and talk... It's a small town. And even afterwards, the garbage man could see the box in the trash, and blab, and you know, I like my garbage man, but again, it's a small town. It's not your problem.

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