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Quote from Luke in But I'm a Gilmore!

Jackson: Hey, you in the hat.
Luke: Jackson, what are you-
Jackson: How dare you take a ladle from a pregnant woman.
Luke: What?
Jackson: Dr. Menck very specifically said that she needs to relax and she cannot relax thinking you're in here screwing up her sauce.
Luke: I'm not.
Jackson: Now, while there's a very good chance that you could kill me in a fight, I do not care. That woman is my wife, and she is carrying my baby. So from now on, if she wants to talk, you will talk. If she wants to taste your food, you will let her taste your food. If she wants you to double-strain that sauce, you will double-strain that sauce, my friend. Because I have to live with her and if she is upset because of anything that you have done, I will come over here and I will soundly kick your ass. That is if you haven't killed me yet.
Luke: Hey.

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