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Quote from Lorelai in Say Something

Lorelai: You got my message.
Luke: Yeah, I was home and I couldn't reach the phone, so I ran over here. I knocked, there was no answer, so I tried the loose window, but I fixed that last week, and then I realized I fixed all the stupid ways there were to get in your house, and I broke the back door lock and I ran inside and you weren't there.
Lorelai: Oh, my God.
Luke: It's okay, I can fix it.
Lorelai: I'm so sorry, Luke. I will never do this to you ever again. I am absolutely humiliated. I was hurting, and I knew if I called you you'd come. I never should have done that.
Luke: It's okay.
Lorelai: No, it's not okay. It's not okay. I am not that girl. I am not the one who cries and falls apart and calls her ex-boyfriend to come and save her. Thank you so much for coming, and for breaking my door. You're an amazing guy for doing that.
Luke: What's that?
Lorelai: It's the tape from your answering machine.
Luke: From my answering machine?
Lorelai: The last crazy thing you will ever have to endure from me, I promise. I just want you to know that I heard you when you said that you're out. I did. I'm going to respect that from now on.
Luke: Okay.
Lorelai: You should go. It's cold. I'll be fine.

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