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Quote from Sookie in Say Something

Sookie: The point is that even if it takes forty years to figure it out, there's still a chance for a happy ending.
Lorelai: But that's all they had. An ending. I don't want to have just an ending with Luke.
Sookie: I know, but-
Lorelai: I don't want to have those stupid kids or those ugly grandkids with that loser other guy.
Sookie: You don't know, he could be a nice guy.
Lorelai: Even if he's a nice, guy, he's not the guy I want to be with.
Sookie: You're right. It's not fair to him.
Lorelai: It's not fair to him, it's dishonest.
Sookie: We should name the other guy. I feel like he'd be a Larry.
Lorelai: We're not naming the other guy.

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