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Quote from Rory in But Not as Cute as Pushkin

Rory: The oldest part of the campus is, of course, the old campus, and it houses most of the undergraduate freshman class. It was begun be Theodore Dwight Woolsey, president of Yale from 1846 to 1871. Over here is the Elihu Yale bench. Now, Eli Yale was an officer in the British East Indian Company. He gave what was then called the Collegiate School 562 pounds and 417 books and a portrait of King George the first. And so it was renamed in his honor. He actually gave an additional 500 pounds to the school but Yale College never received it because he mistakenly sent it to the non-existing Collegiate School, apparently forgetting that Yale was named after him. Oh, wait. This is the wrong bench. So keep the story, but cross out the diagram. Moving on.

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