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Quote from Luke in Luke Can See Her Face

Luke: You are gonna regret this.
Jess: I doubt it.
Luke: No, you are. If you ever manage to grow up and get yourself together and drop this selfish self-destructive behavior that you are so fond of, if that ever happens, you are gonna look back on this moment and you are gonna feel like a big steaming mound of crap that you missed this. This could have been a turning point. You could have witnessed something good for your mother who, yes, has screwed up a bit in her life but now seems to have found something to make her happy, and you miss that, you refuse to be a part of that, you are gonna be very sorry. [Jess's cellphone beeps] What, are you a drug dealer now?
Jess: I'm a messenger. I gotta go. Hey, Todd, it's 4:00.
Luke: You owe me. I was there for you when no one else was, and I want you there and you owe me.
Jess: I gotta go.
Luke: So do I. I'm going first.

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