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Quote from Rory in Afterboom

Rory: Mom, it's really important to me that you don't back out of Friday night dinners. They're the only time that the whole family gets together. Sometimes it's the only time that I get to see you, and I like having it there. It's really important to me.
Lorelai: Rory, come on.
Rory: I'm serious. Please, just give him a chance to make it up to you. Please. I'll be there. I'll be your buffer.
Lorelai: You will, huh?
Rory: Absolutely. They can focus on me, you can focus on me...
Lorelai: What about when he throws his glass of water in my face?
Rory: Then I will get very wet.
Lorelai: I'm holding you to that.

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