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Quote from Emily in The Reigning Lorelai

Lorelai: Mom, I know how hurt you are. That letter was terrible. But there's still a lot of stuff that has to get done.
Emily: I know. You're right. Say, I've got an idea. Why don't you call Pennilyn Lott and have her plan the funeral?
Lorelai: Mom.
Emily: I mean, she's the one that was supposed to be planning it anyhow, so I say let her do it.
Emily: You need something, Sookie?
Sookie: I was just wondering if it's going to be okay to set up a buffet in the dining room.
Emily: I don't know. What do you think Pennilyn Lott would do? You think she'd set it up in the dining room? Because personally, I think we should just toss some cheese cubes in the coffin, stuff some toothpicks in her mouth, and let the people go to town.

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