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Quote from Lorelai in The Reigning Lorelai

Lorelai: You know, it's so weird. I know so little about Gran. I mean, like, what was her maiden name?
Emily: Gilmore.
Lorelai: No, no, her maiden name.
Emily: Gilmore.
Lorelai: Wait. You're not saying-
Emily: She and Charles were second cousins.
Lorelai: Ew! What?!
Emily: Oh, don't act so scandalized. It was not at all uncommon for prominent families to keep the bloodlines closed.
Lorelai: "Keeping the bloodlines closed"? Is that what we're calling it?
Emily: Well, what would you call it?
Lorelai: Oh, I don't know. How about "Good morning, Appalachia, I got a mighty cute sister and an extra set of toes."
Emily: No one has any extra toes.
Lorelai: I have a double-jointed thumb.

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