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Quote from Emily in The Reigning Lorelai

Emily: This is to your father. It's a carbon copy of a letter she sent to your father.
Lorelai: That's nice.
Emily: "My Dearest Richard, It is with heavy heart that I write you this letter tonight, but I cannot stand by and let you make a terrible mistake. Until now, I had thought, hoped, prayed that you would come to the same conclusion that I have. But you have not, and therefore, I feel it is my duty as your mother to beg you to reconsider your impending marriage. [Lorelai gasps] I'm sure that Emily is a very suitable woman for someone, but not for you. She will not be able to make you happy. She does not have the Gilmore stamina or spark. She is simply not a Gilmore."
Lorelai: Well, sure, 'cause you weren't directly related to him.
Richard: "I don't know the circumstances surrounding your breakup with Pennilyn Lott, but it is still my belief that she is much better suited for you than Emily. I know that the timing of this is particularly awkward, since you are to be married tomorrow."
Lorelai: No way!
Emily: "But your happiness is too important to me, so timing be damned."
Lorelai: She wanted Dad to leave you at the altar.
Emily: She begged him to leave me at the altar! She begged him in writing, and then she saved the carbons!

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