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Quote from Lorelai in A Family Matter

Jason: We're gonna get caught.
Lorelai: This is just a freak occurrence.
Jason: This is destined to be repeated.
Lorelai: They'll be mad that I hid it.
Jason: They'll be madder the longer you hide it.
Lorelai: They'll screw things up, I don't want that. I like us.
Jason: But, it's inevitable. They're gonna see us together someplace, or a traffic report will take pictures of cars on the expressway and we'll be sitting in the car, and then Richard will be watching the news and he will see us, so barring some sort of Star Trek-like cloaking device - which was problematic in every incarnation of Star Trek - I remember Kirk complaining about it, I remember Picard complaining about it - they will see us, and we'll get caught.
Lorelai: I'm very uncomfortable dating a Trekkie.

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