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Quote from Lorelai in In the Clamor and the Clangor

Lorelai: Hey, did you ever notice that in Stars Hollow death comes in fives?
Rory: Do not try to lighten the mood!
Lorelai: I'm not, it's true!
Sookie: It is?
Lorelai: Yeah, last year: Chester Thompson, Sarah Merrymen, Fran, and the Dublin twins.
Sookie: That's right.
Lorelai: Yeah, year before: Chuck O'Mishner, Santos Perez Jr, Santos Perez Sr...
Sookie: [gasps] Perry Lewis and Charlie Slater, you're right!
Lorelai: And now, Pinochle Downs, Mr. Angelotopolous.
Sookie: Mrs. Krenz!
Lorelai: And Stan.
Rory: Wait a minute, that's only four.
Lorelai: It is only four.
Sookie: That means the fifth hasn't happened yet.

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