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Quote from Lorelai in Die, Jerk

Luke: Look, why are you pressing this?
Lorelai: Because it's weird.
Luke: You think it's weird?
Lorelai: Yes. I am a cross section of the community, and if I think it's weird, then Rory thinks it's weird, and if Rory thinks that, then Miss Patty thinks that, and so on and so on.
Luke: We're just not dealing with it right now. We're just letting things happen as they happen. We're going with the flow.
Lorelai: You're going with the flow?
Luke: We're going with the flow.
Lorelai: Oh, that's so strum your sitar, dig the Maharishi, pass the owsley, summer of love, flower power, hippie-dippie, I can't stand it.

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