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Quote from Lorelai in The Fundamental Things Apply

Lorelai: Okay, but, you can't squish during the movie because it's distracting. That's rule number one.
Luke: There's rules?
Lorelai: Oh, yeah, especially for a true classic like Casablanca. It's not like we're watching a there's-nothing-else-on movie or a guilty pleasure like Hardbodies.
Lorelai: Oh, my God. Have you seen Hardbodies?
Luke: I don't think so.
Lorelai: Three middle-aged guys rent a beach house and they hire this young local stud to introduce them to cute girls, a.k.a. Hardbodies.
Luke: Let's see that.
Lorelai: No, Luke, we're seeing Casablanca.
Luke: Then let's see that. Okay, the rest of the rules: no talking during the movie. No exceptions during a true classic. And minimize distraction. You know, no shifting around a lot, no phone calls, nothing. No going to the bathroom. If you go, you miss the movie 'cause we're not pausing the movie. That's the only way to get the flow of the thing, okay?
Luke: Fair enough.

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