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Quote from Sookie in The Fundamental Things Apply

Sookie: He wanted Davey if it was a boy and Colgate if it was a girl.
Lorelai: Colgate?
Sookie: His great-grandmother's name.
Lorelai: Great-grandmother Colgate.
Sookie: Yep, that's horrible. You know what's worse, she looked like a Colgate.
Lorelai: Well, at least you know it's gonna be a boy.
Sookie: Yes, but he doesn't know it's going to be a boy. And I realized he has to know that I thought Colgate was an insane name, but if I didn't fight him on it, it must be because I knew we weren't gonna have a girl and then he would know we were gonna have a boy, and that would spoil everything for him. So I told him, "We are not naming our daughter after a toothpaste!" We got in a big fight and we're not talking.
Lorelai: Cool!
Sookie: Yeah, I know. Everything's perfect. My baby has a name and my husband's sleeping on the couch.

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