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Quote from Lorelai in Chicken or Beef?

Rory: I can't even believe there's a security company in Stars Hollow. Nothing ever happens here.
Lorelai: Oh, that is not true. Plenty happens here.
Rory: Like what?
Lorelai: Like, people now break into your houses and install alarm systems.
Rory: I heard about that.
Lorelai: And we have a new mail carrier.
Rory: We do?
Lorelai: Yeah, so now if you wanna get your mail, you just have to go see Miss Patty.
Rory: Why?
Lorelai: 'Cause that's where he brings it. He brings Babette's mail to Andrew's, Norma's mail to the deli, and Taylor still hasn't found his mail, which I have to admit is kind of fun.
Rory: I rescind my previous statement. This place is hopping.

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