Lorelai Quote #1409

Quote from Lorelai in Chicken or Beef?

Rory: I can't even believe there's a security company in Stars Hollow. Nothing ever happens here.
Lorelai: Oh, that is not true. Plenty happens here.
Rory: Like what?
Lorelai: Like, people now break into your houses and install alarm systems.
Rory: I heard about that.
Lorelai: And we have a new mail carrier.
Rory: We do?
Lorelai: Yeah, so now if you wanna get your mail, you just have to go see Miss Patty.
Rory: Why?
Lorelai: 'Cause that's where he brings it. He brings Babette's mail to Andrew's, Norma's mail to the deli, and Taylor still hasn't found his mail, which I have to admit is kind of fun.
Rory: I rescind my previous statement. This place is hopping.


 ‘Chicken or Beef?’ Quotes

Quote from Luke

Luke: Please, there is no fate.
Lorelai: What do you mean there is no fate? Of course there is fate.
Luke: There is no fate, there is no destiny, there is no luck. Astrology is ridiculous. Tarot cards tell you nothing. You cannot read a palm. Tea leaves make tea and nothing else. Jim Morrison is not hanging out with Elvis, and the Kennedys did not kill Marilyn.
Lorelai: I totally knew you were gonna say that.
Luke: I came over here. My fault.
Lorelai: I read your mind. It spoke to me. We're psychic.
Luke: Enjoy the fries.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: I've had a business epiphany. It's like I'm Bud Fox, saying, "Thanks for the lesson, Mr. Gekko."
Luke: This will pass, folks.
Lorelai: The Lorelai you knew is dead. Remember her? The eager to please, fresh of face? She thought that success in business meant working hard, applying yourself, and respecting your coworkers, and she preached that to others. Oh, little child.
Luke: You should probably get some rest.
Lorelai: It's about scratching backs, my friend, and kissing things. I won't be graphic.
Luke: It is Sunday morning.
Lorelai: It's dirty, that's what business is. It's smoke-filled back rooms with exposed pipes and shady players chewing on fat cigars and twirling their dirty mustaches. And when you go into those rooms, you can't be a milquetoast muppet. You have to have pointy teeth and jaws that snap. The meek shall not inherit the earth!
Luke: Thanks for the perspective.

Quote from Rory

Lane: What did you expect him to do, not go to college?
Zach: No true rock 'n' roller goes to college!
Rory: Mick Jagger went to the London School of Economics.
Zach: What?
Rory: Yeah, and, Dexter Holland of The Offspring got his PhD in molecular biology at USC. Greg Ginn of Black Flag graduated from UCLA. The guy from Bad Religion got his masters in geology from UCLA, and he's working on his PhD in evolutionary biology at Cornell.