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Quote from Rory in Say Goodnight, Gracie

Lorelai: Okay, we left off with the thing in Kyle's bedroom.
Rory: I don't understand. One minute he's happy, then he's not. And he doesn't tell me anything ever. I mean, you're supposed to tell your girlfriend things. That's the whole point of having a girlfriend, isn't it?
Lorelai: Yes, it is. Now, Kyle's bedroom, what happened there?
Rory: And I'm so tired of fighting. Or not even fighting because he won't fight. He just gets mad and disappears and then comes back and I don't like how I feel and I don't like what I do.
Lorelai: Like what you do where, in Kyle's bedroom?
Rory: I don't wanna feel like this, I don't wanna sit around wondering when we're going to talk, if he's mad, why he's mad. I hate this. I really, really...

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