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Quote from Luke in A Tale of Poes and Fire

Luke: I know there's nothing to hide. It's just that... you've kinda become a...
Lorelai: Become what?
Luke: A sore point with me and Nicole.
Lorelai: What, how?
Luke: Well, on our first date, I was a little nervous and I wasn't having any luck coming up with topics, so I was just kinda blabbing a lot. And then she ordered extra fries at dinner, so it reminded me of you and I told her a quick story about you and French fries, and that seemed fine. And then later, she ordered a third cup of coffee...
Lorelai: Oh, Luke.
Luke: And I mentioned you and your coffee thing, and I noticed that Nicole kind of reacted a little, and ever since then, she's been a little sensitive to the issue.

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